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Banská Bystrica, Slovakia



1 October – 6 October 2024

24th edition of Bábkarská Bystrica continues our long-term festival examination of the current state of puppet theatre. Launched in 1994, the Puppet Theatre at the Crossroads (hereafter BDNR – Bábkové divadlo na Rázcestí) independently convenes the 30th Festival edition. The event is held under the founding authority of the Banská Bystrica Self-Governing Region (BBSGR) with long-term financial support of the Slovak Arts Council and BBSGR.

Since the Velvet Revolution and the fall of Communism in 1989, Slovak puppet theatre changed fundamentally in its forms and content. Quantitative and qualitative changes are taking place in all aspects of creation – be that in content, form, in relation to the audience, or age-specific approach. Intersections of puppet theatre and other types of art, such as dance, opera, drama, music, performance, or new circus have become commonplace, as have creative works for youth and adults, along with addressing a range of socio historical, intergenerational themes.

Metamorphoses of puppet theatre evidence the expansion of the genre. In our region it has arisen from the freedom reclaimed after 1989. The change of the constitutional system, from totalitarian to democratic facilitated an expansion of art and creation in puppet theatre. Under the regained democracy and freedom, circumstances emerged for the emergence of independent puppet theatre companies across Slovakia, along with the foundation of the Department of Puppet Art at the Academy of Performing Arts  in Bratislava (est. 1991), the Museum of Puppet Culture and Toys at Modrý Kameň (est. 1996), a number theatres governed by municipal authorities have or are going through technical overhaul and venue renovations (BDNR, Puppet Theatre Košice, Puppet Theatre Nitra, Puppet Theatre Žilina, Bratislava Puppet Theatre). The era has also seen the nascence of a number of Slovak puppet festivals (Bábková Žilina, est. 2008, Virvar est. 2012), an original children’s play competition Artúr (est. 2003); along with the encyclopaedia History of Slovak Drama in Puppet Theatre (Dejiny slovenskej dramatiky bábkového divadla), a range of publications dedicated to puppet theatre were published and translated. A commendable number of leaders in stage directing, creative art and acting were born. Quite a few creative international puppetry projects were completed; UNIMA advanced its activities; the legacy and work of Slovak nomadic puppeteers was established – those of the Anderle family, the Dubsky family, the Stražan family; puppet television and film production gained ground. There were many events, processes and system changes.[1]

After the 23rd edition of Bábkarská Bystrica in 2022, when we were looking for a connection with the European spirit of informal learning through art and theatre, we realised that the development of puppet theatre spanning over 35 years was not an accident. It came about thanks to democratic developments after 1989 that proved conducive for freedom of thought and creation in Slovakia. The events of the recent few months in the public administration of culture, inept personnel changes in cultural institutions, professionally unfounded changes to the legislation on the Slovak Arts Council and the public broadcaster Slovak Television remind us that democratic processes are not and have never something to be taken for granted. Our predecessors were also well aware of this. This year, Slovakia makes proud and frequent references to the legacy of the Slovak National Uprising, as we are commemorating its 80th anniversary. The message of many people of Slovakia who gathered the courage to disagree with the totalitarian regime and Fascism holds its currency, significance and inspiring charge today. Let’s not forget that our ancestors were ready give their lives for democracy and freedom. Our predecessors also remembered this in 1969 and 1989. Democracy and freedom must be protected. To be safeguarded. And, if required, to be fought for. Historia magistra vitae. Let’s remember. Remember!

The 24th edition of the festival Bábkarská Bystrica, its theme and programme accentuates the importance of free thinking for creation, for our culture, for puppet theatre, and for references to the past. Freedom is art. Art is freedom. Both are an integral part of democracy. We don’t want to go back to before 1989, not even before 1939.

Iveta Škripková

[1] The list is by no means exhaustive. It would be well worth drawing a summary of the evolution of puppet theatre over the past 35 years.


The main organizer of the festival is The Puppet Theatre at the Crossroads, a cultural institution of the Banská Bystrica Self-Governing Region.


The festival is supported by public funds from the Arts Supoort Fund.


Implemented with financial support from the Banská Bystrica Self-Governing Region.


The festival is under the patronage of Mr. Ondrej Lunter, Chairman of the Banská Bystrica Self-Governing Region.


The festival is held under the auspices of the Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia.

programME 2024

man, puppet and space

Outdoor theatre and art installation and performance in the city called Man, Puppet and Space. In cooperation with the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica.


until opening

get your tickets in advance
