Saturday | 1. 10. 2022 | 9:00

Theatre Hall, Puppet Theatre at the Crossroads, 14 Skuteckého St

Czech language I Running time: 70 mins I 6 € I Age limit: 8+

An adventure fantasy tale with non-violent ecological appeal. The once blue planet is slowly turning into an empire ruled by the power hungry Plastic Almighty and his army. Clean water is running out, the world is on the verge of extinction. There is only one hope left: to save the last water crystal…

Author: Pavel Gejguš, Marek Pivovar

Set Designer: Iva Bartošová-Ščerbáková

Sound Designer: Tomáš Rossi

Dramaturgs: Daniela Jirmanová, Marek Pivovar

Director: Pavel Gejguš


Aneta Červená

Marian Mazur

Karel  Růžička

Petr Sedláček

Lenka Sedláčková

Post-performance discussion about ecology and theatre. 

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