Tuesday | 27. 9. 2022 | 9:00, 11:00 and 14:00
Lecture Hall, Elementary School, 17 Ďumbierska St
German language I Running time: 55 mins I 6 €
Experience a whole perspective on theatre through VR glasses. Find yourself in a virtual world with 360° film technology with no physical limitations. The story won’t be happening right in front of your eyes: it will be happening all around you. Discover a new perspective in analogue-digital interplay.
Author: Johann Wolfgang Goethe
Directress: Monika Gerboc
Calum McAskill
Hanna Daniszewska
Laura Waltz
Camillo Fischer
Martha Stöckner
30-mins workshop about virtual reality and puppet theatre as a part of the performance. Discussion led by Monika Gerbóc.
Link Explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diMNwoH4OzI