8. 9. – 21. 10. | Gallery in the Attic, National Science Library (Štátna vedecká knižnica) in Banská Bystrica
Puppet theatre section as part of an exhibition held within the nationwide project The Year of Slovak Theatre 2020.
Curator: Barbora Krajč Zamišková
Exhibition opening: 8. 9. at 16.00
MON – FRI: 10.00 – 16.00 (until 15. 9.)
MON – FRI: 10.00 – 17.00 (from 16. 9.)
Puppet theatre developed in Slovakia from moving figures used for religious ceremonies, through folk customs, touring puppeteers, club theatres to professional theatres. In addition to children, puppet theatre began to appeal to adult audiences. It started using different types of puppets, gradually moving to open puppet guiding. In addition to anti-illusion, the method is governed by playfulness, metaphor and the partner relationship between actor and puppet.
The puppet theatre section, on display at the National Science Library in Banská Bystrica at Lazovná Street, is based on the exhibition prepared by the Theatre Institute in Bratislava for the Year of the Slovak Theatre in 2020. The exhibition marked the centenary of the Slovak National Theatre and the 190th anniversary of the first amateur theatre performance on the territory of the present-day Slovakia. Our exhibition is designed in two lines. The primary one presents the history of puppet theatre in Slovakia. The secondary line is dedicated to Faust, the most popular text among touring puppeteers. Faust has also found its place in the repertoire of contemporary puppet theatres. Visitors will be drawn to the world of historical and contemporary puppets and tiny theatres, rarely seen in such a form in one place and time.
The beautiful puppets are on loan from the Museum of Puppet Culture and Toys in the Castle Modrý Kameň, from the Museum of the Theatre Institute and from the Puppet Theatre at the Crossroads in Banská Bystrica.
Main convenors of the exhibition are the Theatre Institute Bratislava, Slovak National Museum – Museum of Puppet Culture and Toys, Castle Modrý Kameň and Festival Bábkarská Bystrica 2022.
The Theatre Institute is a state-funded organisation established by the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic.
The exhibition was created in cooperation with the National Science Library in Banská Bystrica.