Setting the theme: pre-Festival podcasts

The pre-Festival podcasts are dedicated to the festival leitmotif, Learning through Theatre/art in our home context. They address the issues of the use of the potential of theatre and art in contemporary learning (in the curricula).

We talk to the influential figures in culture and education in Slovakia.

To set the theme, the author and host of the podcasts Iveta Škripková talks to opinion-makers.

Technical cooperation: Terézia Šusteková, Marek Horváth.


Pre-Festival podcasts Vol. 1 ® Setting the theme ® Iveta Škripková

Iveta Škripková, a festival directress, introduces the festival and learning through theatre in Slovakia.


Pre-Festival podcasts Vol. 2 ® Setting the theme ® Dagmar Inštitorisová

The podcast is about learning through theatre at universities. Iveta Škripková discusses with Dagmar Inštitorisová, university professor and theatrologist.


Pre-Festival podcasts Vol. 3 ® Setting the theme ® Silvester Lavrík

Iveta Škripková discusses learning through theatre with a writer, playwright and Art Elementary School director Silvester Lavrík.


Pre-Festival podcasts Vol. 4 ® Setting the theme ® Zuzana Hekel & Ivica Franeková

Iveta Škripková discusses learning through theatre with The Ján Palárik Theatre directress Zuzana Hekel and theatre lecturer Ivica Franeková.